Seasoning 1 Play Kahoot!

Seasoning for ELT---Kahoot!

What is Kahoot! ?

Kahoot! is a digital platform allowing educators to create game-like pre-made quizzes, discussions and surveys (Kahoot!, 2014). It is a game-based classroom response system played in real time. It benefits both educators and students due to its characteristics like user-friendly, multi-functional and accessible. ๐Ÿ˜€

Here is the link:

Kahoot! and English Learning ๐Ÿ˜

Currently, both research and empirical data have borne out that game-based learning acts as an effective teaching tool in the classroom since it engages students in problem-solving, critical thinking and review of content knowledge through meaningful activities. Moreover, Icard (2014) suggested that the competitive nature of games can entice students to perform better in the teaching process. Therefore, as a competitive game resource, Kahoot! not only challenges and brushes up students’ thinking skills but also fosters a fun learning environment.

Advantages ๐Ÿ‘

(1) Easy to use. 

The interface of Kahoot! is clear and the tutorials introducing the usage are abundant. Following the tutorials and timely tips, you will never lose yourself in dazzling options.

(2) Various choices. 

There are a variety of options available when designing questions for the quiz. Options not only include uploading videos, pictures and music, but also True or False, Poll, Word Cloud, etc. You can choose whatever is suitable for the lesson.

(3) Interesting and Exiting. 

The way Kahoot! presents the quizzes is interesting and engaging. It takes advantage of colour blocks, cartoon-like settings, timed games, etc. to stimulate learners’ motivation. Using Kahoot!, it is very likely that the classroom atmosphere is more lively and students are more active.

Limitations ๐Ÿ˜•

(1) PCs-Needed. 

Students need to bring an electronic device (phone, personal computer, etc.) to the classroom, which is oftentimes not allowed in the teaching practice.

(2) Display but not Referential questions. 

Designing display questions is the forte of Kahoot!. However, if teachers need to ask open and divergent questions, it might not be the best choice.

Example and Guidance ๐Ÿ’ช

Through a variety of projects such as formative assessments, diagnostic assessments, research projects and presentations, Kahoot! can introduce new content and review old knowledge. As such, you can integrate it in the warm-up stage, lead-in stage, practice and assessments. 

The following is an example I made for elementary students about sports.

Game PIN: 8436615

(1) Preparation page


(2)Questions pages

(3)Feedback pages

It is super user-friendly and beneficial in ELT practice!
Go check out this AMAZING tool to optimise your class design!


Icard, S. B. (2014). Educational technology best practices. International Journal of Instructional 

Technology and Distance Learning. 11(3), 37-41. Retrieved from 

Kahoot! Game-based blended learning & classroom response system. (2014). Retrieved January 17, 2015, 



  1. Hi Daisy. Many thanks for sharing with us about this useful tool for ELT. I am looking forward to exploring it further. Could you also tell us about the blog you reviewed last week?

    1. Hi Jean, it is just in the first blog. This is the second blog.

  2. Hi Daisy,
    Wonderful step-by-step guidance for teachers to use Kahoot! And I am sure teachers who have read this article will enjoy using this technology in their lessons. (เน‘•̀ใ…‚•́)ูˆ✧

  3. Woow...I like this post, Daisy.
    It's to the point showing everything needed in an easy and a brief way.
    I like your screenshots as well...I always see it a successful way of explanation. Good job, Daisy.

  4. Hi, Daisy! The structure of this blog is easy to follow and the language is pretty concise to read. :) I wonder what kind of courses would be appropriate to use this software?

  5. Hi Daisy! Kahoot is a tool I really like. Your presentation is so detailed and to the point! I'll definitely try it out sometime.

  6. Hi Daisy, I've only experienced it as a student, and it was intriguing. I'd love to try Kahoot as a teacher in future as it doesn't seem to be too complicated to use it. One thing here is that I couldn't access to your example with the pin number- maybe it's been expired or deactivated? Thank you for explaining detailed steps with screenshots though :)


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